Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Slightly Ridiculous!

Yes it's been awhile since my last post. Things have been going great here. John finally got a job! Go John! It's a really good one too. He should be leaving Red Robin shortly. It's just not worth it having no days off...which is what is happening. Anyway, now the stress level has decreased tremendously and that is great! I have been subbing almost everyday. There is a possibility that I could have a long term assignment during the second half of the year. That would be great! Then I could really get my foot in the door!

Anyway, we should be coming to the OC for a visit in the coming weeks. Once John is done at Red Robin we will have weekends free. Expect visits soon!

Most importantly and the REAL reason for this post is the addition of MORE pup pictures! I thought we weren't gonna get Halloween costumes for the dogs UNTIL I saw these! I know, we are awful parents...subjecting our dogs to this torture, but it was just too cute to pass up!

Scooter makes a great jailpup!! The hat was the greatest part...don't worry he only had it on for the picture!

Penny is a little witch!!

Blame John. He enables me and my madness!!!

So that's it for now! Hope you enjoy my cute pups!!


BrittanyB said...

How on earth do you get them into those outfits!?

Unknown said...

hahahahahhaa..... o those pictures are precious!! i don't think they make dog costumes big enough for jersey and kc, but if they did cameron still wouldn't let me dress them up! your so lucky!! :)

Unknown said...

Our grandpups look so cute! Wish we could see them.

Glad life is going so much better. We're proud of both of you for "hanging" in there all this's paid off.

Miss you two....Dad and Karen

Anonymous said...

So cute!

And... the oc misses you!!!