Sunday, December 2, 2007

Just a little update

So I realized it's been a month since my last post. I feel as though I am slacking but there just hasn't been much to post. Things have been going pretty well here. Scooter has been on his medication but has had 4 seizures in the first 3 weeks of taking the potassium bromide. This past week we have been seizure free!! So we are hoping it's starting to take effect. That would be so spectacular if the seizures stopped. I can't stand to see my baby during one of those. He had one the day after Thanksgiving and Trish and Jamie were there to see it. They were freaked out too. It's hard because there is nothing you can do but hold him until it passes. But let's keep our fingers crossed that the medication is working! Oh and on another note, Scooter has conjunctivitis right now and is NOT happy. I have to keep wiping his eyes and he gets so mad! That should go away in a couple of days though. If not, back to the vet we go.

For Thanksgiving we made the trek down to Orange County. We left Wednesday night and were pretty worried about traffic. Surprisingly though we made great time and saw minimal traffic. We were quite pleased, especially because we opted to bring the pups along for the trip. We were having Turkey Day at John's uncle John's house and he has 2 pups and we wanted our dogs to meet each other. Funny thing is Uncle John has a puppy named Penelope too. Total coincidence because we got our pups around the same time. Anyway, we stayed at Trish's house (John's moms) and had a great time. The dogs were pretty crazy and we decided that would probably be their last trip to Orange County for awhile. It's just too hard to keep an eye on them. While he was outside in the back yard, Scooter got into a fight with a cat!! Sigh...poor Scooter.

So that's pretty much all I have to talk about right now. My office Christmas party is coming up this Friday so I should have some fancy pics of John and I to post. And then John has his party the following week. And Christmas morning will be full of pictures this year again! Scooter opened all his presents last year and this year we have to teach Penny!

Until the next post....

1 comment:

BrittanyB said...
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