Friday, December 19, 2008

More cute Kindergarten quotes...

So I just have a few more quotes from the Kindergarteners at school. They say the funniest things!

*One of my girls yesterday told me she got me a present for Christmas. Then she proceeded to tell me "you can put it on your fridgadator!" Yes, I said fridg-a-dator!! That is how she says refrigerator. Too funny!

*Today at school, Santa made surprise stop in the classroom. There were 3 classes in one room at the time watching The Polar Express. When Santa came in all the kids started talking and shouting things to Santa. One of the hilarious girls in my friend Dana's class said, "Santa I texted you yesterday. Did you get it?" A 5 year old told Santa she sent him a text with her wish list!! I guess writing letters is out..texting is in! Santa also told the kids his reindeer were in Alaska. One of my kids said..."Miss Clanahan, Santa's reindeer are at the North Pole." Ah yes, Santa..get your geography right!

*We have to test the kids on a variety of things. Like stating the days of the week, saying the flag salute, counting, etc. Well my friend Heidi was testing one of her boys on the flag salute. When he got to "one nation under God," his version was "100 dalmations under God." That is definitely one that I haven't heard!!

*This next one isn't really a quote. But it is a thing they do. So I have this one boy...I mentioned him in previous posts. He loves to play in the sand box at recess. So after lunch the other day, he is like "Miss Clanahan I have sand in my shoe." So I told him to stand by the door and dump his shoe. This is a common thing and I didn't think anything of it. But then he started to take his gloves off. His gloves were FULL of sand...with his hands in them!! Then he takes off his shoes and I kid you not, he dumps enough sand to build a small castle! Then he takes his hoodie off and dumps sand from his hood! I asked him what in the world do you do at recess? And of course his answer was plain and simple..."play in the sand box." Well there you have it. Why did I even bother to ask?! So today they got to wear pajamas to school. I told them to be careful at recess not to get their nice jammies dirty. This same boy raises his hand and says "we shouldn't play in the sandbox!!" And what happened after recess...covered in sand! So much for his great idea!

Well that is all for now. When I have some really good ones, I will post again!


Unknown said...

haha, I love the text message to santa. That is hilarious that a 5 yr old knows how to text, and figures thats the easiest way to geta hold of santa.... you shoulda asked if he texts back :) I am actually the stand in tooth fairy for the girls my friend nannies for. goodtimes

Alexis said...

Well I haven't read this blog of yours yet, but I just want you to know that I'm updating my blog right now. For real this time my Mom explained to me the importance of me blogging this year while I'm away at school. So I'm doing it right now. No deleting going on if I have anything to do about it.